Sunday, August 02, 2009

Summer Trip Fourth Cliff

Friday July 17th we traveled the short distance to Humarock, MA which is just south of Boston on the coast. The campsite we got seems to be set up for motorhomes to drive in and they can see the ocean out their front window. If I had driven straight in with the fifth wheel the truck would have been stuck in front and I would have no use of it. Therefore, I backed in, which made the connections on the wrong side and it was a juggling act to get over just to the point where my electric cable, water hose and sewer hose would reach but still not be intruding too much on my neighbor who has a motorhome. We managed though, and there was a nice breeze from the ocean until about 5:00 PM when it died down so we started up the air conditioning. I had to unload the trike before we backed in because the rear of the trailer is only about three or four feet from the edge of the cliff going down to the ocean.

Saturday morning Paula came down to spend the weekend with us. She bought a thing that you can take the hard drive out of the computer and put in it and take files off. Unfortunately it did not fit so we took it back to Best Buy and got her money back. We talked to the Geek and he indicated that he could do that for us for $99 but we did not have the computer with us. We went back to camp, ate dinner and walked the beach for a couple of hours.

The white square is the back of our trailer

Sunday we went back to Best Buy in Plymouth, MA with the computer and gave it to the Geek Squad and then we went to Olive Garden for lunch. While there the Geek called me and said he could do nothing because the hard drive was defective. They indicated that something still might be done but they would have to send it away somewhere and it would cost about $500. I will just wait until I get home and see if my geek has any ideas.

Monday we left at 8:00 AM and drove down to Woods Hole to catch the ferry to Martha’s Vineyard. We got there about 9:30 and found that we could not park at the ferry landing and they sent us back the way we came about 6 miles where we parked in their lot and took a bus that they provided back to the ferry landing. We got aboard the ferry and it left about 10:15, arriving at Martha’s Vineyard at 11:00. We immediately bought tickets for a sightseeing tour and boarded the bus. It took us to the next town, Oak Bluffs, and allowed us about one hour to eat and look around. We each had a fish sandwich and then walked around. We strolled through some of the 34 acres of more than 300 Carpenter Gothic Victorian cottages with wedding-cake trim, gaily painted in pastels. I think they are more commonly called gingerbread houses. Then afterward we visited the nation’s oldest continuously operating carousel which started out at Coney Island and was moved here after about 10 years. It was so crowded that it was impossible to get a picture. Then we boarded the bus to continue the tour to four more towns. We saw houses that belonged to Michael J. Fox, Ted Danson/Mary Steenburgen, and Doris Day as well as Ulysses S. Grant’s house and the house bought by Joseph Kennedy for his mistress, Gloria Swanson. None of those houses stood out except the one Grant stayed in. They looked like most of the other houses on the island. Our guide also pointed out the locations of other famous people’s houses that were set back into the woods so we couldn’t see them such as James Taylor, Carole King and Jackie Kennedy Onassis estate which now belongs to Caroline Kennedy. Robert McNamara owned a huge amount of land, some of which now belongs to the Belushi’s. We also saw John Belushi’s grave. We passed by the beach where the movie Jaws was filmed. We made it back in time to catch the 4:00 PM ferry back to Woods Hole and had a good connection for the bus back to the truck and we were only half way back to the campground at 6:00 PM so decided to stop at UNO’s for something to eat. I tried the lobster sliders which I don’t recommend as the ratio of bread to lobster is way too high. We finally got back about 7:00 PM.

Tuesday the rain started in the middle of the night and continued all day. I read about the Lewis and Clark Expedition all morning and then we made a trip to CVS for Linda to replenish some of her pills. Afterward we went to Walmart and the local grocery store.
That pretty much filled up our afternoon until supper time.

Wednesday started out a little foggy but developed into a very nice day. We started out about 11:00 AM on the trike and rode about 60 miles to a place on Cape Cod that was recommended by Boston’s Phantom Gourmet for lobster rolls. Most of the way was on interstate-like roads but the last 20 miles or so we took to the secondary roads. This was an enjoyable ride through mostly shady residential areas with nice houses that were well landscaped with lots of flowers. The café was the Sesuit Harbor Café located in a Marina. It was not much of a place with all the seating scattered around outside and it also had outside Porta Potties. There was a steady line throughout the time we were there and the food was good. It wasn’t the best lobster roll I have had but it wasn’t the worst either. Actually I can think of only two places with better and that is, of course, Red’s Eats in Wiscasset, ME and The Clam Box in Ipswich, MA. After returning to the area of the campground we rode out to Brant Rock, a small town on the coast just south of here. There were two places there that were recommended by the office here for the best lobster (not lobster rolls) and best ambiance. The ambiance one is now closed but we thought we might try the other sometime.

Thursday we washed the truck, trailer and trike and vacuumed and dusted inside the trailer. Thursday night we had a Nor’easter, a low pressure system off the coast with winds rotating counterclockwise therefore causing the winds to come from the northeast. The trailer rocked all night (deja vous two years ago in New Brunswick, Canada) and around 4:30 AM it blew the electric plug out of the socket causing us to lose electricity. I did get it plugged back in without getting blown away. The news stations said there were wind gusts up to 35 mph but it seemed harder to me.

Friday we drove up to Hanscom AFB in the wind and rain, ruining my wash job on the truck, so Linda could get her blood thinner checked. While there we ate lunch at the club and picked up some groceries at the commissary. It was a long trip back as the Boston Friday exodus to places outside the city (like Cape Cod) starts early. It was mainly stop and go traffic about half the distance back. Friday night Paula and Jade came for the weekend.

Saturday Paula drove us up the coast to first, second and third cliffs. They are pretty much all connected except fourth cliff where a storm many years ago washed out the connection. We stopped by the local grocery store and ordered three large lobsters to be cooked and ready by six o’clock. At six Paula and I went and picked them up while Linda was preparing red boiled potatoes, corn on the cob and melted butter for the lobster. They were good but they were soft shell so the lobster had not grown enough to fill out the shell yet. After eating we took a long walk on the beach including Jade who went wild, running around all over the sand. Apparently she loves the beach.

Sunday Paula took Jade on another walk on the beach and we went out to a late lunch at a nearby restaurant where we all had fish of one kind or another. Soon after that Paula had to head home to beat the crowd returning from Cape Cod. Then Linda and I started preparing for our departure Monday morning.



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