Saturday, July 04, 2009

2009 Summer Trip
American Gold Wing Motorcycle Club Rally
Seekonk, MA

On Sunday, June 21st, we traveled from West Point to Seekonk, Massachusetts. The next day our club’s rally started and we left on a ride with about 15 bikes in a mist about 10:00 AM. We took some scenic back roads east toward Cape Cod. The closer we got to the ocean the worse the weather got until just as we got within sight of the bridge going over to Cape Cod it was raining hard and the wind was blowing so hard we all decided to cut the trip short and return to the motel. The next day we rode, again on scenic back roads with about 15 bikes, to Newport, RI. We not only rode by the famous mansions but also took in many scenic vistas along the ocean and the many boats in the harbor. We saw the church that JFK and Jackie got married in and a house that Jackie Kennedy’s family, the Bouviers, owned. We took a break at the cliff walk but there was a cold misty breeze there and we cut it short. For the most part it was a nice, dry ride with only off and on mists. Wednesday we took a brunch cruise on a tour boat around the Narraganset Bay. Except for two other people we had the boat to ourselves (about 70 Gold Wing club members). We started at 11:00 AM and cruised until about 5:00 PM with a two hour break in downtown Newport for shopping. It was a good day with periods of sun and clouds and the food was very good. Thursday, our last day, Linda and I helped officiate in the biker games then we rode into northeast Connecticut on scenic back roads. I was surprised at how much farmland there was. It was a very pleasant ride and the weather was good. We took a break at the Vanilla Bean Café/bakery, where Coca Cola chose to introduce their Vanilla Coke in 2002. That evening we had a banquet to end the rally, said goodbye to many friends that we only see once a year and the next morning moved on to Maine. The first picture is of a bunch of motorcycles lining up for a ride. The second picture is of Linda and some others on the fantail of the tour boat.


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