Saturday, July 04, 2009

2009 Summer Trip
First Stop: West Point, NY

We left home Wednesday, June 17th, and about an hour on the road it started raining. It rained pretty much all the way to Winchester, Virginia where we camped for the night and it rained most of the night. It was just barely raining when we left camp around 8:00 AM and rained off and on all day. We pulled into the campground at West Point, NY in early afternoon and it was still raining and rained most of the night.

The next morning it wasn’t raining and we went to the West Point Military Academy. We took the two-hour tour, which included the narrated bus tour of the base as well as a walk through the chapel and cemetery. It was all very interesting and we recognized a lot of names in the cemetery of famous generals, etc. I wore my “Retired Navy” ball cap and that elicited a lot of comments and jokes from our tour guide concerning the war (in sports) between Army and Navy. We had an excellent guide and we enjoyed it very much.

The first picture is of the Chapel. It is huge and very impressive architecturally.

The second picture is a view of the Hudson River from West Point with Linda in the foreground.


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