Saturday, July 04, 2009

2009 Summer Trip
Boothbay, Maine

We got to Boothbay Friday and met up with friends Ron & Gloria and we all went to Red’s Eats for a lobster roll for supper. They have a very small building but they always have a line, sometimes as much as an hour to wait. Their lobster roll is a hot dog bun filled to overflowing with cooked lobster and nothing else. You can get melted butter or mayonnaise to go with it, but of course, nearly everyone has butter. They advertise more than a pound of lobster on each roll and we believe it. You can’t eat it like a hot dog, as it is too big to fit into your mouth so we eat it with forks. Of course you can get fries with that.
Friday night daughter Paula came up from Boston after work and stayed with us until Sunday evening. Saturday was a nice day and we all went to Boothbay Harbor for shopping and sightseeing. After we had enough of that we drove by Red’s to get a lobster roll but the line was so long we decided to go across the street where we had fish & chips, haddock sandwich and hamburgers. Then we went up the road to Camden, Maine for more sightseeing and shopping. They have the prettiest bay, I think, and lots of very expensive yachts, mostly sail types.

After spending the afternoon there we came back and ordered a 1-¾ lb lobster each from Maniac Lobster. They cooked them for us and we picked them up and brought them back to the campground and ate them at the picnic table. We wanted 2-pounders but they only had two and we didn’t want to slight anyone. It was and excellent meal with scalloped potatoes and salad prepared by Linda and Gloria.

Sunday was a little gray and misty with rain in the forecast but we went to Pemaquid Lighthouse Park anyway, all except Linda who stayed in the trailer to do laundry. We were there a little while and the mist got worse and soon began pouring down. We came back to Wiscasset (where Red’s Eats is) and since it was raining the line wasn’t too bad. We bought five lobster rolls with butter and French fries to go and took them back to the camper. We heated them up in the microwave and they were even better than normal when they are served cold. While we were gone Linda threw her back out while bending and twisting as she was doing laundry. She was able to eat her lobster roll but couldn’t do much else. Paula decided to go back to Boston about five o’clock so Ron, Gloria and I went to the Tugboat Restaurant (built in the shape and looks like a tug boat) for supper. Prime Rib was on special and we all had it. Monday Linda could hardly move and it was a rainy day so we just stayed in the camper all day except for a trip to the store by me and to top off the fuel tank on the truck. Tuesday we almost saw the sun but it didn’t quite make it out. It wasn’t raining but it was foggy and misty some times. I took the trike to Red’s Eats about 11:00 AM and was first in line but their lobster supply was a little late arriving and I had to wait about 30 minutes anyway. I got four lobster rolls to go and brought them back to the campground, dropping two off at Ron & Gloria’s camper. It was a little sad that we would have no more of Red’s lobster rolls for a long time.

Wednesday we broke camp and headed for Boston.

The first picture attached is Red's Eats. Linda is holding my place in line.
The second picture is of Linda and Gloria on the hill overlooking the harbor at Camden.
The third picture is Camden Harbor.
The fourth picture is of Paula and I at Pemaquid Lighthouse.
The fifth picture is Pemaquid Lighthouse from the ocean side.


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