Family Doings

Monday, October 23, 2006

Tennyson at 3 days old.

Friday, October 20, 2006

New Great-grandson

Tennyson Lee Page was born to Danny Page and Ashley Seiber Page at 10:29 PM on October 19th. He weighed 8 lbs 2.5 oz at birth and was 20 inches long. After several hours of labor it became apparent that she was not going to be able to deliver normally so it was done by C-section. Mother, father and baby are all doing fine.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Clan Gathering at Lisa's

On Saturday, October 7th we had a gathering of the Tennyson clan (descendents of William Tennyson and Emma Perry). Lisa Lemza and Mike were kind enough to invite us to their newly remodeled home on the lake. They did a fantastic job making the house very livable and comfortable. In addition to the house they had a potting shed and a tool shed (looked like a small house)
as well as a chicken coop and goat pen. Nearly everyone made the trip down 140 steps to the boat dock. Several took a boat ride and some fished from the dock.

We were very happy to see the turnout with Clara Tennyson at age 94 the oldest who came with Betty. Faye and Cecil Levi came up from Birmingham and Paula Tennyson flew in from Boston. Brenda Nunn brought her father Louis who had a pretty good day and seemed to enjoy it. Daryl and Lynette Lipham were there with their four youngest: Charity, Faith, Hope and Joy.
It was good to see Myrna with her husband Jesse and sons Phil and David without anyone dying. It seems we mostly only see them at funerals and this was much better. Trilla had to work and could not make it but her daughter Amber was there. Paul and Linda were there with granddaughter Kim. Angela, Bob and Steffan came down from Nashville. After most everyone left, Paul Lipham dropped by with wife and son.

We enjoyed all the flowers and plants and the bottle tree was very colorful.
The “Potting Palace” fit in very well with the landscape. The place was very impressive and at least some of us now yearn for a place on the lake of our own. Ahhhh, if we only had a million dollars to spare.